[E&E seminars] SfGS EcoExpo Seeking Projects and Ideas

Kathreen Thome kethome at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 22 08:37:06 EST 2006





Are you a creative individual who likes to be recognized for the projects
you have accomplished? 


What if that opportunity meant a chance to recruit people to your project
and win funds for your work? 


Or be otherwise recognized for your hard work with gift certificates and


How about having the MIT community and MIT administrators as your audience? 


Well, then, are you willing to take on the opportunity to show off your
projects or ideas on sustainability? 


Here is your chance to make your idea a reality.


Showcase what you have done or would like to do at the:


EcoExpo: MIT's Sustainability Exhibition

Friday, 8 December 2006

2:30-4:30pm Stata Center TSMC lobby


Where you will present a poster, prototype, or interactive display in one of
two categories:

1.  Research projects that you have conducted AND/OR service campaigns that
you have implemented on local or more regional scales 
2.  Ideas for local projects that you would like to execute or continue

To become a part of eeco please visit http://web.mit.edu/sfgs to submit your
proposal by Monday November 27, 2006


Contest is open to all MIT undergraduate and graduate students


Sponsored by SfGS (Students for Global Sustainability)









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