[Env seminars] Energy/environment policy specialist speaking on "Leaders in Technology and Policy" panel

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Wed May 24 17:43:56 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

Please join us for the afternoon of Thursday, June 8th, at our annual 
Technology and Policy Symposium, this year part of the MIT Technology 
and Policy Program's 30th Anniversary Celebration.

The first panel, featuring leaders in different areas of technology and 
policy, features Nicholas Mabey, Founder Director of a new 
environmental group E3G (Third Generation Environmentalism -- 
http://www.e3g.org/) and Former Senior Advisor, Prime Minister's 
Strategy Unit (UK).  Nick's previous postings include the UK 
Environmental Policy Department, the World Wildlife Fund-UK, the London 
Business School (where he published research on the economics of 
climate change), and in the UK electricity industry.  Nick is a 
graduate of MIT's Technology and Policy Program.

The announcement is below, which you are welcome to circulate to other 
interested colleagues.  No registration is required but rsvps (to 
rrobins at mit.edu) are welcome to help us gauge attendance.

Dava Newman
Director, MIT Technology and Policy Program
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems

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Sixth Annual Technology and Policy Program Symposium

in honor of
the MIT Technology and Policy Program's 30th Anniversary

Leadership for 2050:
Technology, Policy, and Education

Thursday June 8th, 2006
1:00-4:45 pm, reception following
Room E51-345
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Mass.

Panel 1:  Leaders in Technology and Policy   (1:00- 2:40 pm)
Nicholas Mabey, Founder Director, E3G and Former Senior Advisor, Prime 
Minister's Strategy Unit (UK)
Jessica Stern, Senior Fellow, Kennedy School, Harvard University and 
author of "Terror in the Name of God"
Bryan Moser, President & CEO, Global Project Design

Panel 2:  Education for Leadership in Engineering  (3:00-4:45 pm)
Richard de Neufville, Founding Director, MIT Technology and Policy 
Granger Morgan, Department Head, Carnegie Mellon Engineering and Public 
Sheila Widnall, MIT Institute Professor
Joel Moses, MIT Institute Professor,

The full program is attached.
For further information, see the "30th Anniversary Celebration" link on 
TPP's home page,  http://tppserver.mit.edu.

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  Renee J. Robins
  Director of Special Projects, Technology and Policy Program, MIT 
Engineering Systems Division
  Associate Program Director for M.Phil. Programs, Cambridge-MIT 
  77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E40-381
  Cambridge, MA  02139
  (617) 253-7662  (tel)        (617) 452-2599  (fax)     rrobins at mit.edu 
  http://tppserver.mit.edu (TPP web)        http://www.cambridge-mit.org 
(CMI web)
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