[Env seminars] Tomorrow - Earth Week Water Lectures

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 25 15:48:12 EDT 2006

Earth Week - Lectures Tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 26 
12:00 -1:00 pm
Wong Auditorium (E51)
"The Charles River: Cambridge's front yard: The transformation from
industrial mudflats to recreational parklands."
Speaker: Renata von Tscharner, President, Charles River Conservancy
(http://www.thecharles.org <http://www.thecharles.org/> ) 
Once a polluted wastewater, the Charles River is swimmable again, and
hundreds of acres of parklands provide Cambridge residents a place of
beauty, for celebration and active recreation. As part of the Big Dig
mitigation, new parklands such as the 40-acre North Point Park, are being
created - and at the center will be a world-class skatepark. Renata will
take you on a virtual tour of this little-known last half-mile of the

Wednesday, April 26
7:30 - 8:30 pm 
Guililand Auditorium (66-110) 
"SEA CHANGE: Reversing The Tide"
Speakers: Dr. Roger Payne and Ms. Lisa Harrow, Ocean Alliance
Dr. Roger Payne is best known for his discovery (made with Scott McVay) that
humpback whales sing songs, and for his theory that the sounds of fin and
blue whales can be heard across oceans. The songs of the humpbacks are
featured in this presentation. In 1980 Dr. Payne founded Ocean Alliance. Its
vessel Odyssey has just finished a five-year, around-the-world "Voyage of
the Odyssey" to assess the extent and level of contaminants (eg. heavy
metals and synthetic organic chemicals) in the Earth's oceans by skin sample
analysis of whales (see the featured article "A Toxic Odyssey" in Science,
http <http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/304/5677/1584>
<http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/304/5677/1584>  )

Lecture Series cosponsored by Bon Appetit
<http://www.bamco.com/website/responsibility.html> .




Beth Conlin

Education Program Coordinator

Laboratory for Energy and the Environment

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

E40-481, 1 Amherst St.

Cambridge, MA 02139


bconlin at mit.edu


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