[Env seminars] Energy Club Lecture Wed: Professor Heywood & Transportation

Libby Wayman libway at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 24 20:55:09 EDT 2006

Dear MIT Energy Community,

The MIT Energy Club is happy to announce this week's Energy Lecture 
Series.  Please see below for details and the abstract.

"Fueling our Transportation Future"
Professor John Heywood
Director, Sloan Auto Lab

Wednesday April 26, 4:00 - 5:00
LFEE Conference Room:  E40-496
Refreshments will be served


In this seminar Professor Heywood will discuss the options available to 
reduce our demand for petroleum based fuels and our greenhouse gas 
emissions in transportation.  These options include improved engine, 
transmission, and vehicle technology, radical new propulsion concepts and 
fuels, and behavioral changes.  Over the next fifty years, it is likely 
that changes and improvements in all these areas will be required.

Hope to see you there

Libby Wayman
MIT Energy Club Speaker Series Coordinator
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