[Env seminars] Ross Gelbspan Earth Day Event

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 20 11:41:38 EDT 2005

Ross Gelbspan


Speaking on


The Politics of Climate Change


Earth Day, 

Friday April 22, 4:00 PM

MIT Building 54-100 

(The Green Building)


See http://whereis.mit.edu for a campus map,

Kendall T Stop on Red Line


Co-Sponsored by 

MIT Students for Global Sustainability, chaitra <mailto:chaitra at mit.edu>
@mit.edu, http://web.mit.edu/sfgs/

and Brookline PeaceWorks, peace at texnology.com

Information: Amy Hendrickson, 617 738-8029


Ross Gelbspan, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, is the author of two
best selling books on climate change: The Heat is On, and Boiling Point. A
review of Boiling Point from Publishers Weekly gives a good description of
his thought and concerns:


"In Boiling Point, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ross Gelbspan argues
that, unchecked, climate change will swamp every other issue facing us
today. Indeed, what began as an initial response of many institutions-denial
and delay-has now grown into a crime against humanity. Gelbspan's previous
book, The Heat Is On, exposed the financing of climate-change skeptics by
the oil and coal companies. In Boiling Point, he reveals exactly how the
fossil fuel industry is directing the Bush administration's energy and
climate policies -payback for helping Bush get elected. Even more
surprisingly, Gelbspan points a finger at both the media and environmental
activists for unwittingly worsening the crisis. Finally, he offers a
concrete plan for averting a full-blown climate catastrophe." 

"According to Gelbspan, a proper approach to climate change could solve many
other problems in our social, political, and economic lives. It would
dramatically reduce our reliance on oil, and with it our exposure to
instability in the Middle East. It would create millions of jobs and raise
living standards in poor countries whose populations are affected by
climate-driven disease epidemics and whose borders are overrun by
environmental refugees. It would also expand the global economy and lead to
a far wealthier and more peaceful world. A passionate call-to-arms and a
thoughtful roadmap for change, Boiling Point reveals what's at stake for our
fragile planet."

Ross will speak at MIT on Earthday, at 4:00 pm after which he will respond
to questions from the audience.

The talk is free, and the auditorium is handicapped accessible.

For more information on Ross Gelbspan's ideas, and to sign the People's
Ratification of

the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty, visit  <http://heatisonline.org>

Contact for more information: 

Amy Hendrickson, Brookline PeaceWorks, peace at texnology.com, 617 738-8029

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