[Env seminars] Earth Day at MIT: April 28!

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 20 11:40:02 EDT 2005

Save the date. . .

~ MIT celebrates Earth Day on April 28! ~
at Kresge Oval and the Stata Center amphitheater

live entertainment
fabulous food
drawings for great prizes
a chance to learn about MIT's diverse environmental groups
and exciting activities...

including (at Kresge):
     the annual bike repair workshop
     SAVE's free plant giveaway
     awards for the Solar Design Contest
     clothing swap
     Organic Iron Chef signups
     and more!

And on Friday, April 29:
a Green Campus Tour of several of MIT's key campus environmental 
initiatives: a solar power installations our co-generation power plant, the
GreenFuel Technology's algae-based bioreactor pollution control system, and 
the Stata Center's biofiltration system. 12:00PM, on the steps of the 
Student Center. Space is limited, so please RSVP to Steve Lanou at 
slanou at mit.edu or 2-2907.


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