[E&S-seminars] Fwd: BU CEES-Geography Seminar: Friday @ 4 p.m.

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 6 10:49:31 EST 2003

>Regional U.S.-Canadian Climate Change Action: Achievements and Challenges
>Henrik Selin
>Wallenberg Fellow in Environment and Sustainability,
>Linköping University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Friday, November 7, 2003, 4pm
>Center for Energy and Environmental Studies-Geography Seminar Series
>Boston University
>453 Stone Science Building, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
>As global political efforts on climate change seem to be stalling, 
>much of the innovative political action regarding climate change 
>issues is taking place at regional and local levels. One of the most 
>ambitious regional efforts to address climate change issues in North 
>America has been developed by the New England Governors and Eastern 
>Canadian Premiers (NEG-ECP). The 2001 NEG-ECP Climate Change Action 
>Plan sets specific emission reduction targets, and outlines major 
>goals and specific recommendations for policy action. This 
>presentation will outline the status of NEG-ECP regional efforts to 
>address climate change, discuss important drivers of these efforts, 
>and draw lessons about the accomplishments and limitations of 
>regional action and leadership initiatives on climate change.
>Ian Sue Wing
>Assistant Professor
>Center for Energy & Environmental Studies
>Department of Geography & Environment
>Boston University
>675 Commonwealth Ave. Rm. 141, Boston MA 02215
>Phone: (617) 353-5741 * Fax: (617) 353-5986

Karen  L. Gibson
Program Assistant
MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
(1 Amherst St., E40-469 - for DHL and FedEx)
Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
Tel:  1 (617) 258-6368; Fax:  1 (617) 258-6590
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