[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes: October 2015

Bara Blender bblender at mit.edu
Thu Oct 15 14:03:13 EDT 2015

Meeting notes from October 14, 2015

Useful stuff
CPS is working on a tip sheet for best practices in photo and video permissions, as a follow up to a presentation we hosted in the spring. In the meantime, you can email cps at mit.edu<mailto:cps at mit.edu> with any questions.

Related to another type of permission, MIT has a use of name officer, Peter Bebergal. Peter is in the Technology Licensing Office and addresses requests from outside groups seeking to use MIT’s name or branding. If you receive such a request, contact Peter at bebergal at mit.edu<mailto:bebergal at mit.edu>.

There’s still time to sign up for the three presentations<http://commtoolkit.mit.edu/events/upcoming-events> CPS is hosting this fall.

Twitter and social media guidance
Several of you were looking for Twitter tips and asking when there would be a new resource for social media guidance. We’re pleased to announce that Jenny Li Fowler will be starting November 2 as MIT’s manager of social media strategy.

Editors’ Club feedback
We’re interested in your thoughts about what’s working well with Editors’ Club and any ideas you may have for enhancements. We’ll be sending a survey to the group within the next couple of weeks.

Upcoming meetings
All meetings are from 12-1 pm; feel free to bring a lunch.

Tuesday, November 17

Thursday, December 17

Monday, January 11, 2016
(Office of Sponsored Programs)

To help us keep the list current, if you’d no longer like to be a member, email editors-request at mit.edu<mailto:editors-request at mit.edu> with “unsubscribe” in the subject line.


Bara Blender
Communications Strategist
bblender at mit.edu<mailto:bblender at mit.edu> | 617-258-9367 | E38-254

MIT Communication Production Services<http://web.mit.edu/cps>
Communications advising and strategy:
Web, print, branding, social media and email marketing
Subscribe to the CPS email list<http://mit.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=3cf0ca32a48ba20f15d727add&id=187127d877>

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