[Editors] MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub seeking part-time communications coordinator

Lauren Clark ljclark at mit.edu
Thu Feb 5 10:37:46 EST 2015

Dear Editors,

The MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub (in the Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering) is seeking candidates for a part-time (20 hours/wk) communications coordinator. I have enjoyed this job, which involves a mix of news/science writing, editing, social media, web writing and maintenance (via Drupal Cloud), assistance with PowerPoint presentations and occasional meeing/event attendance. It’s the perfect job for a communications professional who seeks the flexibility (with benefits) of a part-time position.

The job number is 11935 at http://jobs.mit.edu/external.

Feel free to get in touch if you want more info and/or know of an ideal candidate.

Lauren Clark
Communications Coordinator
MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub

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