[Editors] MechE Newsletter: Engineering for Global Change

Alissa Mallinson alissam at mit.edu
Wed Feb 4 11:02:25 EST 2015


[MechE Connects Image]<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/>

News from the MIT
Department of Mechanical Engineering<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/>



[Freedom of Constraint Image]<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27693>

Feature Story: The Freedom of Constraint<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27693>
It’s the vital urgency of emerging markets that forces innovative solutions out of tight constraints – thwarting the popular notion that constraints are always detrimental.


[Megan Smith Image]<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27695>

Alumni Spotlight: Megan Smith (SB ’86, SM ’88), United States of America<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27695>
A past member of the MIT Corporation and vice president at Google, Megan Smith has had a prolific and successful career as an engineer, leader, and STEM evangelist, one that makes it easy to see why President Obama appointed her to the position of chief technology officer of the United States of America.


[Maria Yang Image]<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27701>

Faculty Research: Professor Maria Yang<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27701>
Based on her research, Associate Professor Maria Yang recommends that emerging-market designers create products for the microentrepreneur, particularly ones designed to help them make money.


[Lewandowski Image]<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27703>

Student Spotlight: John Lewandowksi (PhD Candidate)<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27703>
John Lewandowski’s low-cost, rapid-assessment diagnostic device landed his company the winning prizes this year in the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition and MassChallenge.


[Dubowsky Image]<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=28315>

Talking Shop: Professor Steven Dubowsky<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=28315>
Professor Steven Dubowksy has designed a system to bring purified water to small remote communities in the world, many of which currently drink water that contains high levels of dissolved minerals and biological contamination.


Read more:
Faculty Research<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27699>: Professor John Lienhard
Alumni Spotlight<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27697>: D-Lab's Elliot Avila (SB ’14)
Student Spotlight<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/?p=27705>: PhD Candidate Natasha Wright (SM ’14)
To read more news and faculty research from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, visit http://mecheconnects.mit.edu<http://mecheconnects.mit.edu/>.

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