[Editors] subscription to TED

Julie Pryor jpryor at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 17 12:39:01 EDT 2014

Hi everyone -

One of our faculty members is giving a TED Talk on Wednesday morning. There are many people in our building who would be interested to watch her talk live — but I'm told one needs a subscription ($600!) to do this.

Does anyone know if MIT has a subscription to TED? Or is there any other way we might access the talk without actually having to pay this fee? Perhaps not, but I'd appreciate any tips/suggestions, thanks!

Julie Pryor
Communications Manager
McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139
p: 617.715.5397
e: jpryor at mit.edu
w: mcgovern.mit.edu

Explore the McGovern Institute through social media<http://mitsha.re/mcgoverninst>!

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