[Editors] freelance writing opportunity

Jennifer Donovan jdonovan at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 4 16:33:12 EDT 2014

Hi all,

We have a freelance writing opportunity here at the Lab. I've put a formal description with application procedure below. Please feel free to forward on to anyone you think might be a good fit.

Thank you!


The Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) at MIT is seeking a freelance writer to contribute to our annual magazine, LIDS/All.

We need three articles to be written, profiling members of our community including graduate students, researchers, alums, etc. The average article has a word count of 1000-1500 and typically takes 7 - 12 hours to complete, from interview to final draft.

Qualified candidates will be able to take technical subject matter and make it compelling for non-technical readers, while maintaining the scientific integrity of the piece. Some journalistic and/or technical writing experience is preferred.

Pay rate is $30.00 - $35.00/hour depending on qualifications and experience.

We are looking to begin work on this project immediately.

For more information about the lab, please visit www.lids.mit.edu
To see previous issues of LIDS/All, please visit http://lidsmag.lids.mit.edu/

To apply, please send your resume and two relevant writing samples to jdonovan at mit.edu

Jennifer Donovan
Assistant to Professor Alan Willsky, Director
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
MIT, 32-D610

p   617.253.2142
f    617.253.3578
fb  www.facebook.com/lidsmit

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