[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes: Oct. 2012
Elizabeth A Thomson
thomson at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 15 11:45:05 EDT 2012
*Meeting Notes from October 11, 2012*
The Spofford Room, where this meeting was held, is smack dab in the middle of campus, which may be why close to 20 Editors attended. At any rate, in my opinion we had one of our best meetings yet, full of good humor, Useful Communications Stuff, and freebies/discounts for MIT staff (bet you'll read *these* minutes! :).
*MIT Social Media*
As usual, social media was a major topic of discussion.
For example, many people at this meeting were intrigued by MIT Connect, http://connect.mit.edu/, the new web site for "discovering and engaging with MIT's social media." However, many of the same folks still weren't quite sure how it works or what it is. Explore it! And, if you have any specific questions, send a note to Stephanie Hatch, social media maven for MIT Communication Production Services (CPS). Stephanie is at hatch_s at MIT.EDU<mailto:hatch_s at MIT.EDU>.
Similarly, people were asking about social media strategies and other things related to the overall subject. Emer Garland-Scott of CPS noted that CPS has sponsored several recent and upcoming workshops on social media. You can sign up for these events at http://commtoolkit.mit.edu/events/cps-events. Although some are over and others are probably full, Emer still recommends registering if you are interested in a given topic. Depending on how many people register, CPS may repeat some of the workshops. (From the url above click on "CPS events archive" to see titles of past workshops.)
*Video Video Video*
Lillie Paquette, communications specialist at MIT Sea Grant, is working on several short videos about Sea Grant research. To that end, she asked about campus resources related to video or questions about video. Emer immediately suggested she contact Kris Brewer (Hi Kris!) of MIT TechTV. Kris is at brew at mit.edu<mailto:brew at mit.edu> or 617-452-3157. Memo to Kris and CPS: I'd bet that LOTS of folks would be interested in a workshop on video and TechTV.
Lilly also asked about the great K-12 videos she's seen that are produced by the School of Engineering. To see these videos, which are created by MIT students with funding from the School of Engineering, go to: <http://k12videos.mit.edu/>. Coincidentally, Chad Galts, director of communications for the school and producer of those videos, was at the meeting. COOL FACT: Chad noted that the K-12 video program is open to students FROM ANY MIT
school. For more information, email Chad at galts at MIT.EDU<mailto:galts at MIT.EDU>.
Although I forgot to mention the following at the meeting, it's related to video, so here goes: Check out Science Magazine's "Dance your PhD" contest. For this year's top entries, go to: <http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/10/dance-your-phd-finalists-announc.html>. So, so cool. I haven't had a chance to watch this year's entries yet, so I don't know if any are from MIT, but wouldn't it be cool if MIT submitted a slew of entries for 2013, all funded by the School of Engineering K-12 video program?
*Photos Photos Photos*
Emer told us that CPS is in the process of moving its image library to Flickr. The pics will be FREE (I assume only to members of the MIT community, who currently pay a small fee). Anyway, Emer promises to tell us more about this at a future meeting of this club. For more info, contact Emer at emer at mit.edu<mailto:emer at mit.edu>.
*MIT Freebies/Discounts*
And now for our featured presentation….
At one of our meetings a year or so ago, I reported that there are many cool discounts available to MIT employees. There are many new members Editors' Club, so I figured I'd remind people. Among the discounts/freebies:
--10-40 percent off BOSE products (you have to phone them first at the number on the MITAC page; <http://web.mit.edu/mitac/mmo.html>). (Search the MITAC page for other discounts.)
--15-23 percent off your personal Verizon, AT&T, Sprint or T-Mobile bills. These discounts are through Information Services & Technology; go to <https://ist.mit.edu/services/telephony/cellphone-discount>. NOTE: I JUST TRIED this link, and it's down at the moment, but IS&T is fixing it. The discounts are indeed still available.
--Free admission to the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston (this one is sponsored by the Council for the Arts at MIT). Go to http://arts.mit.edu/tickets/ica/
--Day passes to the Museum of Fine Arts (also sponsored by CAMIT). Go to: http://arts.mit.edu/tickets/mfa/
--Someone at this meeting also reminded us about Lynda.com<http://Lynda.com/>. We've discussed this site before, but it's well worth re-mentioning. It's packed with tutorials about techie communications stuff ranging from web design to iPhoto. And, it's free for MIT employees. Simply go to: http://ist.mit.edu/services/training/lynda
*Thank you!*
Many thanks to Denise Brehm and Debbie Levey of civil and environmental engineering for hosting this meeting. Debbie sent along the following bit of history about Professor Spofford of the Spofford Room (where this meeting was held): http://alum.mit.edu/pages/sliceofmit/2012/04/06/great-molasses-flood/
*Next Meetings*
The next meeting of MIT Editors' Club are as follows. Please note that all meetings are from 12-1, and you are welcome to bring a lunch.
Wednesday, November 14
46-3015 (Brain and Cognitive Sciences)
Tuesday, December 18
Jackson Room, 38-466 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu<mailto:thomson at mit.edu>>, giving.mit.edu<http://giving.mit.edu>
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