[Editors] MIT Editors' Club Minutes, Oct. 2011

Elizabeth A Thomson thomson at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 21 16:04:46 EDT 2011


*Meeting Notes from October 18, 2011*

The people at MIT Editors' Club meetings always seem to bring up Useful Stuff related to MIT communications, but this meeting seemed to generate more contributions than usual. A sampling:

*MIT Style Guide*

Does the Institute have an editorial style guide? There is no official guide for MIT as a whole, but two departments (Resource Development and Reference Publications) have developed their own. You can access their guides through the MIT Communicators Toolkit at 

And while you're there, explore the Toolkit's other editorial goodies. (Several of the attendees at this meeting recommended the site.)

*Resource Development Communications*

The Resource Development Office of Communications is looking for a graphic designer. For more on this position, go to:


*Publishing Services Bureau*

Ba--ra, where were you? We needed you at this meeting for another update on the Publishing Services Bureau (PSB). Seriously, I think everyone knows by now that the PSB is closing as part of a restructuring. It will be replaced by a new entity--Communication Productions Services (CPS)--to support the Institute’s communications project needs.  The CPS will bring together Copy Technology Centers (CopyTech) and our reference publications efforts.  Bara Blender (bblender at mit.edu, 258-9367) is Interim Team Lead of the PSB during this transition; please contact her with any questions.

*Training Training Training*

Does MIT offer any courses on Drupal (a content management system for web sites)? No-one at this meeting knew for sure, so someone suggested a great alternative: Lynda.com. We've discussed this site before, but it's well worth re-mentioning. It's packed with tutorials about techie communications stuff ranging from web design to iPhoto. And, it's free for MIT employees. Simply go to:


I did a quick search and found six different courses on Drupal, plus brand-new courses on a variety of topics including InDesign and Google+.

*Thank You!*

Many thanks to Paul Rivenberg, who hosted this meeting at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center. 

*Next Meetings*

The next meetings of MIT Editors' Club, which are always from 12-1 but in different locations around campus, are as follows:

Wednesday, November 9
W98-302 (Resource Development)

Monday, December 5
66-360 (Chemical Engineering)


Elizabeth A. Thomson
Associate Director of Communications
MIT Resource Development
Office of Communications
600 Memorial Dr., W98-300
617-258-5563, 857-756-9457
<thomson at mit.edu>, giving.mit.edu

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