[Editors] Said and Done | MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences | January 2011

Deborah Fitzgerald hiestand at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 4 11:00:28 EST 2011

Happy New Year!

_The January 2011 edition of [1]Said and Done is now online._
Visit for a photo-rich digest of news, research, events, and kudos
from the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.
Here are a few highlights:
    1. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january


_Kaiser elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
_David Kaiser has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society
(APS). The citation reads: "For his outstanding publications that combine
technical mastery of twentieth-century physics with a deep knowledge of
recent developments in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science."
[2]More at Said and Done
    2. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#kaiser

_Acemoglu named by Foreign Policy as a Top Global Thinker of 2010 _
In the second part of a two-part interview with Chrystia Freeland, Daron
Acemoglu talks about the historical roots of economic and political success.
[3]More at Said and Done
    3. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#acemoglu

__January 27-28, 2011
_Economics Symposium for MIT's 150th celebration
_From Theory to Practice to Policy__

The kick-off symposium of MIT's sesquicentennial will celebrate the role of
MIT’s faculty and students in advancing the fields of economics and finance,
in putting developments into practice, and in contributing to the design of
public  policy. Six panels, which will include Nobel laureates, policy
makers,  and  academic  and industry experts, will address three broad
questions: • What are the key recent scientific developments and the major
unresolved  issues  of  economics  and finance? • What are the central
challenges in economic policy? • How can one assess the contributions of,
and limitations of, recent advances in financial economics?
[4]More at Said and Done
    4. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#symposium


_Kaiser and Alexander create MIT's sesquicentennial books _
MIT150  and  MIT  Press  have partnered to publish two books for MIT's
sesquicentennial year, both created by members of the School of Humanities,
Arts, and Social Sciences. David Kaiser, associate professor in the Program
in Science, Technology, and Society, is the editor of _Becoming MIT: Moments
of Decision_. Philip Alexander, research associate in the Program in Writing
and  Humanistic  Studies, is the author of_ A Widening Sphere: Evolving
Cultures at MIT_. _
_[6]More at Said and Done
    5. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2010-said-and-done-november#maier
    6. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#books

_3 Questions: Evelyn Fox Keller on the nature-nurture debates _
In a new book, prominent historian of science dismisses the "unanswerable"
question  of  whether heredity or the environment matter more in human
development. Story by Peter Dizikes for MIT News. _
_[7]More at Said and Done
    7. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#keller

_A hardy Constitution _
In _Ratification_, historian Pauline Maier delivers new knowledge about how
the U.S. Constitution was adopted. _The New York Times_ calls _Ratification_
an "ur-text" of American history. Story by Peter Dizikes for MIT News. _
_[8]More at Said and Done
    8. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#constitution

_Bookshelf _
The  research of MIT's School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
appears principally in the form of books and publications, as well as music
and theater productions. These gems of the School provide new knowledge and
analysis, innovation and insight, guidance for policy, and nourishment for
lives. _
_[9]More at Said and Done
    9. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#bookshelf


_Quanta Chair in Chinese Culture established _
The  Institute  has  embarked  on a major, long-term effort to promote
intellectual and technological exchange... A major part of the Institute’s
effort will also be the expansion of the study of China at MIT. A new chair
in  the  School  of  Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, The Quanta
Professorship  in Chinese Culture, has been established thanks to a $5
million donation. _
_[10]More at Said and Done
    10. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#quanta

_Scope | publication of the Graduate Program in Science Writing _
_Scope_  showcases  work by students in the School's Graduate Program in
Science Writing. The publication includes news articles, features, essays,
book reviews, radio podcasts, and videocasts. _
_[11]More at Said and Done
    11. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#scope

_Richard L. Cartwright, emeritus professor of philosophy, dies at age 85 _
A founding figure of philosophy at MIT, he was especially known for his
influence on colleagues and students. _
_[12]More at Said and Done
    12. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#cartwright


_There Hack They_
Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, and Special Assistant to the Chancellor,
Jay Keyser, believes that the MIT hacker is to be admired for pulling off
the collegiate world's cleverest and most elegant pranks. In this video,
Keyser describes some of his favorite hacks, and burrows into the psychology
of hack culture at MIT._
_[13]More at Said and Done
    13. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january#hack


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Said and Done
| Digest for January 2011
MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
    19. http://shass.mit.edu/news/news-2011-said-and-done-january

Emily Hiestand
Communication Director
Office of the Dean
MIT School of Humanities,
Arts and Social Sciences

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