[Editors] CASE Webinar and Resources for Communications and Marketing Professionals

Melanie Miller melmils at MIT.EDU
Mon Dec 5 17:01:22 EST 2011

Below is the info on the alumni magazine webinar (first on the list) I mentioned today in the Editors Group. I plan to attend it and would be happy to share highlights at the next get-together.

Thanks for a great meeting - always fun and educational!
Melanie L. Miller
Communications and Development

Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building 66-369
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA
T 617.253.6500, F 617.258.8992, E melmils[at]mit.edu
Facebook: MITChemEng, Twitter: MITChemE

From: CASE [mailto:CASE at informz.net]
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 1:56 PM
To: Melanie Miller
Subject: Resources for Communications and Marketing Professionals

December 1, 2011

Upcoming Events


online speaker series
Get Real, Get Read: Producing a Magazine Your Alumni Will Read<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjcz/index.html>
Dec. 7, 2011 * 12:00-1:30 PM EST

online speaker series
Navigating the Social Media Landscape in Higher Education<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjc0/index.html>
Dec. 8, 2011 * 2:00-3:30 PM EST

42nd Annual CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjc1/index.html>
Feb. 5-7, 2012 * San Francisco

Annual Conference for Media Relations Professionals<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjc2/index.html>
Feb. 6-7, 2012 * Washington, D.C.

Media Spokesperson Workshop<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjc3/index.html>
Feb. 7, 2012 * Washington, D.C.

>>View all upcoming events<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjc4/index.html>



Commission on Communications and Marketing<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjg1/index.html>
nominations due: dec. 30, 2011

The Commission on Communications and Marketing provides advice and counsel to CASE leadership to help ensure that CASE's programs, services and research respond to member needs and reflect current knowledge, professionial trends, emerging issues and the highest standards within the field.



New Rules of Marketing & PR: How to Use Social Media, Online Video, Mobile Applications, Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly
By David Meerman Scott

[http://case.informz.net/case/data/images/bookcvrs/new_rules_of_marketing_and_pr.jpg]The latest edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjg2/index.html> gives you all the hottest inside tips on the very latest winning tools and techniques so you can confidently market any product, service or idea.

Update your member profile

Changed jobs? Relocated? Tied the knot? You can now view and make changes to your professional interests, individual contact information and member profile online<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjg3/index.html>. Update your information today.

District I

Register for "the Conference"<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjg4/index.html> Jan. 22-24, 2012, and reserve your hotel room today for the lowest prices available!

Good news! The early-bird deadline has been extened through Dec. 1, 2011.

CASE shares 40+ social media policies

Did you know CASE offers a collection of social media policies<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjk4/index.html>? Each is annotated so members can see what institutions have chosen to include in their policies and other documents governing the use of social media. The collection is available to all CASE members upon login to the website.

Career Central

Did you know there were more than 25 communications and marketing jobs<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMjk5/index.html> posted at Career Central? Get noticed, and post your job<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMzAw/index.html> today!

Join the Conversation





> CASE in social media<http://case.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT0xMzkwOTQzJnA9MSZ1PTc2MjQyNTQ1MCZsaT02MjYwMzA1/index.html>

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