[Editors] Experienced freelance writer looking for paid/unpaid internship/position

Allison Ray Crimmins acrimmin at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 23 17:07:08 EST 2010

For anyone interested:

-----Original Message-----
From: Danya Rumore [mailto:danya.rumore at fulbrightmail.org] 
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 2:36 PM
To: Allison Ray Crimmins
Subject: Following up on an email from Ken Strzepek

Hi Allison,

Ken Strzepek, a colleague of a colleague, encouraged me to contact you to explore the possibility of an internship or freelance work.

I have been working as a freelance science writer and outreach coordinator for the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences climate change and energy team since June, and am now looking for either more freelance work, or a some sort of paid/unpaid internship/position in the field of science communications and environmental outreach.  Do you know of any possibilities or have any  recommendations of people to contact?

I have attached my CV. Please feel free to forward this on to any colleagues, and let me know if you have any questions.

I greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you and cheers,

Danya Lee Rumore
M.Sc. Environmental Management
2008 Fulbright Grantee to New Zealand
Ph: (208)659-1415
Email: danya.rumore at fulbrightmail.org

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