[Editors] Miller lecture -- please forward. Thanks.

Lois Slavin lslavin at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 4 13:36:29 EDT 2008


The Annual Charles L. Miller Lecture

The Future of Science and Technology in Europe

By José Mariano Gago
Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal

Event Details:

Monday, April 7, 2008

Time: 4:00 pm

Location: Bush Room,

Open to: Entire MIT Community

Contact: Beverly  <mailto:bevkt at MIT.EDU?subject=2008%20Miller%20Lecture>

About the Speaker:
 José Mariano Gago
<http://esd.mit.edu/HeadLine/calendar/2008/images/Gago.jpg> Professor José
Mariano Gago is an experimental high energy physicist and a Professor of
Physics of at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon, Portugal. He
graduated as an electrical engineer from the Technical University of Lisbon
and obtained a PhD in Physics from the École Polytechnique in Paris. He
worked for many years as a researcher at the European Organisation for
Nuclear Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland and in Portugal's Laboratory
for Particle Physics (LIP), which he chaired. Prof. Gago is member of the
CERN Council. He chaired the High Level Group on Human Resources for Science
and Technology in Europe.

As Minister of Science and Technology (S&T) during 1995-2002, Professor Gago
was responsible for science and technology and for information society
policies. He launched the Ciencia Viva movement to promote S&T culture and
S&T in society. During the Portuguese EU presidency (2000), he prepared,
along with the European Commission, the Lisbon Strategy for the European
Research Area and for the Information Society in Europe. In 1998 he also
launched the Eureka-Asia Initiative in Macao.

During the 2007 Portuguese EU Presidency he promoted the adoption of a
strategy for the future of S&T in Europe and for the modernization of
universities in the EU.

Prof. Gago was President of the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC)
in Geneva and is a member of IRGC Board. He is a member of the Academia

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