[Editors] If your cup runneth over, ours is a bit dry

Terry Hill thill at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 26 14:23:20 EDT 2007

Hi, Greg--Your paper is well written and produced.  However, in the last 
months it seems to be becoming more like a corporate newsletter for 
stockholders (all happy talk all the time), than a paper reflecting 
events in a complex community of very real human beings.  For example, 
the day before your paper came out there was a serious incident in which 
a student was gravely injured by an intruder to Next House.  It went 
unmentioned in TechTalk, though there was plenty of space for endearing 
photographs of a sinking cardboard boat.

If MIT's official paper prints only notices of promotions, major gifts, 
prize winners, and breakthroughs, even though we can be rightly proud 
and are grateful to be informed, TT's fine reporters will be scrambling 
to fill its columns.

With concern,

Terry Hill

Greg Frost wrote:
> Dear fellow editors,
> As Tech Talk editor, I have come to relish Wednesday. Wednesday is  
> the day of the week when I can catch my breath from the production  
> cycle, reply to e-mails that went unanswered on Monday and Tuesday,  
> and just smile at the thought of the MIT community sifting through  
> our latest masterpiece. Ahem.
> It's also the day I start looking ahead to the next issue, and that's  
> why I'm writing you today: we're thin on copy for the next few issues  
> of Tech Talk. If you have any good news or feature stories that  
> you've already written about MIT this semester and that you wouldn't  
> mind seeing republished in Tech Talk, please send them my way. I may  
> not be able to run all of them, and I may have to condense or expand  
> them, but I figured I'd open the door to your submissions.
> I look forward to hearing from you!
> Best,
> Greg Frost
> MIT News Office
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