[Editors] MIT's great places and things

Terry Hill thill at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 1 11:38:36 EDT 2007

>Once upon a time, in a land not so very far away, someone wrote a guide to 
>MIT's great places and things, e.g. the Sir Isaac Newton Tree, Edgerton 
>Alley, the Chapel, etc. as opposed to the official tour agenda geared 
>toward high school juniors which seems to lean heavily toward food courts 
>and places of entertainment.  Does anyone still have a copy of this 
>guide?   I've got a week-long-seminar-full of grown-ups who would really 
>appreciate it.  Alternatively, I could write one myself, with the able 
>assistance of The Editors.  What are your favorite places and things to 
>see @ MIT?  Thanks.  Terry
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>Editors at mit.edu
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