[Editors] information about MIT history
Catherine Avril
cavril at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 31 12:28:08 EST 2006
I have heard former MIT President Howard Johnson
speak about the challenges of those times. The
archivists may have materials on his presidency
that would provide the information that you seek.
Good luck!
-- Catherine
At 12:03 PM -0500 1/31/06, Marsha Sanders wrote:
>MIT archivists are very helpful with this type
>of search. You can contact them through the
>At 12:00 PM 1/31/2006, Amy MacMillan wrote:
>>Where can I get some information about MITís history?
>>Specifically, Iím looking for information from
>>the late 1960s when a group of students
>>supposedly overtook the MIT presidentís office.
>>Iíve looked on the Web, but canít seem to find anything.
>>Does anyone have any recommendations?
>>Thanks, Amy
>>Amy MacMillan
>>Communications Assistant for SDM-LFM
>>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>>Engineering Systems Division
>>77 Massachusetts Avenue
>>Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
>>Tel. 617.452.3703
>>Fax. 617.253.1462
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