[Editors] information about MIT history
Marsha Sanders
marshas at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 31 12:03:11 EST 2006
MIT archivists are very helpful with this type of search. You can contact
them through the libraries.
At 12:00 PM 1/31/2006, Amy MacMillan wrote:
>Where can I get some information about MIT's history?
>Specifically, I'm looking for information from the late 1960s when a group
>of students supposedly overtook the MIT president's office.
>I've looked on the Web, but can't seem to find anything.
>Does anyone have any recommendations?
>Thanks, Amy
>Amy MacMillan
>Communications Assistant for SDM-LFM
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Engineering Systems Division
>77 Massachusetts Avenue
>Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
>Tel. 617.452.3703
>Fax. 617.253.1462
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