[Editors] Fwd: Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism

Lois Slavin lslavin at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 24 16:47:17 EDT 2005

Dear Colleagues,

I have attended this conference twice and have 
found it to be very useful in terms of information and contacts.

Details are below.

Best wishes,

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>Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 13:23:19 -0400
>From: Nieman Program on Narrative Journalism <jenny_davis at harvard.edu>
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>Dear friend of narrative journalism,
>You may have attended or heard about the Nieman Conference on Narrative
>Journalism at Harvard. We'll convene our eighth annual session December 2-4
>this year. We’ve just opened our Web site for online registration at
>http://www.nieman.harvard.edu/events/conferences/narrative2005/index.html .
>We’re a bit late this year; and judging from the 
>many inquiries in the past few
>weeks, we gladly anticipate a rush of 
>registrations. We have always sold out in
>past years. And we’re offering a discounted fee—but just until the end of
>The conference, as many receiving this note already know, gathers 1,000 savvy,
>midcareer journalists (editors, reporters, book writers, radio and TV
>documentary-makers) who choose from among many (74, this year) keynotes,
>breakouts, panel discussions, readings and 
>workshops that explore the narrative
>process, start to finish. We'll cover such 
>topics as story selection, fieldwork
>and interviewing, note taking and coding notes, drafting and redrafting,
>working with editors/writers, building narrative 
>teams, coordinating with other
>parts of your organization, attracting agents and publishers, ethics, sourcing
>and reconstruction, and narrative in genres other than newspapers.
>Our 45 speakers are among the most experienced 
>writers, editors and teachers in
>the field, including dozens of Pulitzer and other prize-winners and finalists.
>Our keynoters this year are the noted author Tom Wolfe; John Carroll, recent
>editor of the Los Angeles Times; Adam Hochschild, author of "King Leopold's
>Ghost" and “Bury the Chains”, a current National Book Award contender; and
>Jamaica Kincaid, New Yorker writer, author of "A Small Place” and much more.
>Our complete list of wonderful, wise, funny and much-decorated speakers
>includes Jacqui Banaszynski, Philip Gourevitch, Mark Singer, Roy Peter Clark,
>Randy Cohen, Tom French, Phillip Lopate, Sarah Lyall, Claudio Sanchez, Orville
>Schell, and Sree Sreenivasan and many more—the complete roster is roster is on
>our Web site.
>Reporters and editors regularly come to our conference from most of the major
>dailies in the United States and Canada, including The Boston Globe, The Miami
>Herald, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, National Public Radio, The New
>York Times, ABC News, The Toronto Globe and Mail, The Atlantic Monthly, The
>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles
>Times, among many hundreds of others, and from 
>media in dozens of other nations
>as well.
>The Web site is the place to register. Early registrants, Nieman Alumni,
>Fellows, and Affiliates, and qualifying groups of 8 or more from the same
>publication or station have lower fees. Register early ­ we sell out every
>It would be a great favor to us if you would forward this note to other
>reporters, editors, writers and film and radio 
>folks in your newsroom, magazine
>or station, especially those who have a special fascination with narrative
>journalism. We’d also appreciate it if you would 
>print this letter out and post
>it on a bulletin board at work!
>We hope to greet you in December.
>Mark Kramer
>Director and Writer-in-residence
>Nieman Program on Narrative Journalism
>(write nieman-narrative at harvard.edu for further information)
>NCNJ mailing list
>NCNJ at calists.harvard.edu

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