[Editors] Digital Printing seminar tonight 6pm

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Tue Jun 14 14:34:37 EDT 2005

Dear colleagues,

We have one space open for a Digital Print 
informational talk tonight that I am offering to 
anyone who might be interested in joining us. One 
of our colleagues signed up for this event but is 
unable to go, so PSB will offer this one slot 
free to anyone who is interested in attending. 
Details below.

If you are interested, please call me or email at:
molee at mit.edu

Best regards,

Monica Lee
PSB director


Digital Printing Today: What Customers Need to Know
Program sponsor: LaVigne, Inc.

     * Where it all startedŠ
     * Where is it headed?
     * What presses do digital - and how do they differ?
     * What are the benefits/drawbacks?

Tuesday, June 14th, 2005, from 6 to 8:30 pm
Millennium Bostonian Hotel (at Faneuil Hall marketplace)
($50 fee already paid by PSB for one person)

Is there anything "hotter" in the printing biz 
these days than Digital Printing? Are you 
constantly asking yourself questions like,

     * What does 'digital printing' really mean?
     * How can I decide if my job should go digital vs. offset?
     * What are the pros and cons to 'going digital'?
     * How can I take advantage of my data to 
launch real-time targeted marketing campaigns?

If so, you will not want to miss this Boston Print Buyers event!
Chris Wells, CEO, LaVigne Inc.

Come learn about digital printing from Chris 
Wells, CEO of LaVigne Inc., in Worcester, MA. 
LaVigne is one of the largest independently owned 
commercial printing companies in New England and 
one of the top 50 digital printing companies in 
the country. It has been featured in published 
case studies by Hewlett Packard, Printable 
Technologies, CREO and InfoTrends/CAP Ventures 
for its innovative pursuit of the Print On Demand 
market, variable data communication solutions, 
and workflow automation.

In April, more than 150 executives representing 
over 100 printing firms from across North America 
attended a two-day open house at LaVigne, hosted 
by Hewlett Packard, to showcase LaVigne's success 
in digital publishing.

Chris Wells is a dynamic public speaker (I've 
heard him: he never fails to impress!). Last year 
he was named one of the 20 top visionaries in the 
industry by Printing Impressions Magazine. He has 
been featured at Vue/Point, Digital Smart 
Factory, PODI Best Practices Applications Forum, 
DRUPA, On Demand, HP ImagePrint 2004, Print 
Workflow Summit 2004, Graph Expo and many other 
industry conferences and roundtables. He's on 
corporate boards of numerous industry associations

Bring your questions, bring your business cards, 
bring your appetites! We always have time for Q&A 
with our dinner sponsors - this is certain to be 
a sell-out event, so register today!

Register today!

Please join us on June 14th to learn about what's 
new in Digital Printing and where it's headed. 
There will be lots of handouts and, as always, 
plenty of time for Q&A. Members of BPB can 
register for just $20, payable online through 
PayPal. Nonmembers can attend for $50.

Reminder: this Boston Print Buyers event is only 
open to professionals who purchase printing. This 
means print buyers, graphic designers, and 
marketing pros who also purchase print materials. 
It is not open to vendors, brokers or other 

To join Boston Print Buyers, you must be a 
professional who purchases commercial printing. 
Although we love printers, brokers, paper pros 
and mailing professionals, you are not eligible 
to join, but we welcome inquiries about 

Here's a quick look at our program:
6:00 - 7:00 pm: Network, cocktails and a gourmet dinner
7:00 - 7:30 pm: Mini buyer panel discussion on 
one topic near and dear to all buyers' hearts
7:30 - 8:15 pm: Chris Wells of LaVigne Inc. 
presents on Digital Printing, plenty of Q&A!
8:15 - 8:30 pm: Margie's "Time for Trivia" 
contest, where you win gifts for being so darned 

Thanks goes to LaVigne our sponsor for the 4th 
Boston Print Buyers dinner program.


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Monica Lee
Director, Publishing Services Bureau
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building E28
(access at 336 Main St.)
Cambridge, MA  02139-4307

Direct	617.258.9366
Office	617.258.9380
Fax	617.258.9390
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