[Editors] Print Buying Process focus group workshop

Jon Paul Potts jpotts at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 7 16:04:41 EDT 2004

Greetings fellow MIT Editors.

As some of you may have heard, MIT is undertaking a Purchasing 
Initiative with the goal of identifying non-salary savings (while 
improving or maintaining service and quality). The Controllers 
Accounting Office is leading this effort under the sponsorship of Jim 
Morgan, Diane Shea, John Curry, and Bob Brown. Academic council and 
senior management are supporting this effort as a great way for MIT 
to be resourceful about stretching budgets. To achieve savings, the 
team is looking at the total cost of acquisition in the purchase of 
various commodity groups. The first two commodities being targeted 
are overnight shipments and printing. I am on the print services 
team, where we will be reviewing the print-buying process and the 
printers being used by MIT departments.

Community input is very important to us. We will be holding several 
focus groups and would like to get feedback from those of you 
involved with print buying. We'll review the project's goals and lead 
a discussion of issues to consider. In addition, we would like to 
hear your suggestions and questions. We're looking for 15 more 
participants to attend one of the following sessions and hope that 
you or someone from your department can join us:

Print Focus Group Workshops
Tuesday, 9/14 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm
Thursday, 9/16 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm
Friday, 9/17 from 1 to 2 pm

Light refreshments will be served.

If you are able to attend any of these sessions, RSVP to Glenn Curtis 
at <mailto:gcurtis at mit.edu>gcurtis at mit.edu. Please provide your name, 
department, telephone number, and email address.

Your help in launching this initiative is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Jon Paul Potts
Procurement Print Team

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					- MIT President Charles M. Vest

Jon Paul Potts
Communications Manager
MIT OpenCourseWare
Building 9-211
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139
jpotts at mit.edu
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