[Editors] seeking a temporary, part-time production/editorial assistant

Myles Crowley, MIT News Office mcrowley at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 2 18:29:05 EDT 2004

The News Office is looking for a temporary production/editorial 
assistant for the fall (one to four months) to start immediately. We 
need someone skilled and fast in page-layout (InDesign or Quark) and 
Photoshop to assist with the production of Tech Talk, an 8-page 
weekly newspaper. Graphic design experience is not necessary, but a 
creative eye is helpful. (By fast, we mean able to layout four or 
more tabloid pages in a day.)

We use Apple computers and do the newspaper layout in InDesign, but 
good experience with Quark would translate. Photoshop exp. with B&W 
and color essential. Must be amenable to supervision by the editor, 
who has final say on the layout, and work with good humor in a 
deadline situation. Proofreading skills are helpful.

Production begins on Fridays, is busy on Mondays and most intense on 
Tuesdays when the paper is completed and sent to the the printer 
around 6 or 7 pm and occasionally later. Staying to the end would be 
required on Tuesday evenings to deal with any issues from the 
printer. We would need the person to work Fridays, Mondays and 
Tuesdays most weeks (see production schedule 
http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/techtalk-info.html) and possibly 
Wednesdays and Thursday initially for training.

Please contact Myles Crowley at the MIT News Office.

Myles Crowley
Operations and Financial Administrator
MIT News Office
Building 11-400
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Phone: 617-253-2702
Fax: 617-258-8762
Email: mcrowley at mit.edu
URL: web.mit.edu/news
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