[Editors] Feb 4 Printing workshop invitation

Monica Lee molee at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 16 16:56:34 EST 2004

To: Communications workshop list members, Editors List, Information 
Group, Administrative and Financial Officers

Dear colleagues,

Please join us for a print production workshop. One of MIT's 
preferred printers, Moore Wallace/W.E. Andrews, has offered to hold a 
workshop at MIT called "In Pursuit of Quality." The workshop is the 
first in a series and is being co-sponsored by Sappi paper.

The workshop will be most useful to those of you who prepare 
electronic design files and manage the print process, with the focus 
on managing your expectations to more accurately define deliverable 
"quality." This presentation is tailor-made for anyone seeking a 
better understanding of why colors shift during each stage of 
production. More importantly, problem areas of design and file 
preparation will be addressed to avoid known production pitfalls. 
Participants will receive The Warren Standard "How To Read A Press 

Wednesday, February 4
10:30 a.m. - noon (lunch will follow from noon - 1:00 p.m.)
Twenty Chimneys (W20-306); seating is limited

RSVP by January 28 to Patrice Macaluso at 
<mailto:macaluso at mit.edu>macaluso at mit.edu. Include your name, 
department, email and telephone number. Also let us know if you will 
join us for lunch following the workshop. We will send a confirming 
email back to you.

Upcoming workshop topics may include tips for designing direct mail 
pieces, troubleshooting press check issues and paper essentials.

Please forward this invitation to MIT colleagues who may be 
interested. If you have specific questions, please email Bara Blender 
at <mailto:bblender at mit.edu>bblender at mit.edu.

We hope to see you at the workshop.


Monica Lee
MIT Publishing Services Bureau

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