[Editors] New magazine

Kelli Whitlock whitlock at wi.mit.edu
Thu Sep 4 19:25:36 EDT 2003

Hello all --

I am sorry to have missed the last few monthly lunch meetings, but I have a good excuse: We have a new magazine coming out! The publication, called Paradigm, is the one I told you all about at that meeting. It will be out the first week of October. 

I would be happy to add any of you to the mailing list, if you like. Just send me your snail mail address and we'll take care of the rest. 



Kelli Whitlock
Manager, Media Relations & Publications
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
9 Cambridge Center | Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: (617) 258-9183 | Fax: (617) 258-8848
whitlock at wi.mit.edu | http://www.whitehead.mit.edu

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