[Editors] openDOOR published

Jeremy Grainger jeremias at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 4 18:44:08 EDT 2003

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At 04:25 PM 9/4/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Friends & Colleagues:
>The new edition of openDOOR has just been published by the Alumni 
>Association at:
>The issue focuses on Pervasive Learning
>"MIT Everyware" -- that's what Wired dubbed OpenCourseWare (OCW), MIT's 
>initiative to publish course materials freely on the Web. The 
>September/October openDOOR delves deep into new educational initiatives 
>throughout the Institute. Interviews include: Mitchel Resnick, who directs 
>the Media Lab's Lifelong Kindergarten group, and Ceclia d'Oliveira, 
>technology director of OCW.
>Happy reading!
>Jeremy Grainger
>Jeremy Grainger, temporary Web Editor                   jeremias at mit.edu
>MIT Alumni/ae Association                               http://alum.mit.edu
>77 Mass Ave - W92-280                           tel 617 324.6032 (x4-6032)
>Cambridge, MA 02139                                     fax 617 
>My hours: TuWThF 9-5
>Editors mailing list
>Editors at mit.edu

Jeremy Grainger, temporary Web Editor                   jeremias at mit.edu
MIT Alumni/ae Association                               http://alum.mit.edu
77 Mass Ave - W92-280                           tel 617 324.6032 (x4-6032)
Cambridge, MA 02139                                     fax 617 
My hours: TuWThF 9-5 
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