[ecco-support] LLC4320 bathymetry

Verjans, Vincent N vverjans3 at gatech.edu
Tue Sep 14 11:42:33 EDT 2021

Dear ECCO support team,

I am a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Tech, and I use the output of the LLC4320 simulation as a dataset to investigate ocean forcing of the Greenland ice sheet. I noticed that many of the fjords around Greenland are poorly resolved in the simulations. In general, fjord bathymetry is much too shallow compared to reality. For this reason, I would like to analyze the bathymetry data used for the simulation. I could not find a file that contains the bathymetry, and I could not find a reference to the bathymetry dataset used for the LLC4320 simulation. All I could find is the usual ECCO bathymetry dataset (bathy_eccollc_90x50_min2pts.bin). Was this bathymetry dataset also used for the LLC4320 simulation? If not, how can I access the bathymetry dataset that was used?
Please let me know if my questions are unclear. I thank you in advance for any help provided.

Best regards,
Vincent Verjans
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