[ecco-support] Full pressure in ECCO4

Gabriel Wolf g.a.wolf at reading.ac.uk
Tue Jun 23 05:19:19 EDT 2020

Dear ECCO teams,

I’m doing some calculations for which I need the correct full pressure. I’m struggling to find information on this, so not sure I really get this right.
I’m using ECCO version4 release 3alt (nctiles_monthly). As far as I understand it, the full 3d pressure P_full in dbar is calculated as

P_full = (PHrefC + PHIHYD + SSH * g) * rhoConst * 1e-4

with the notation as in the actual dataset, with rhoConst = 1029, g=9.81, PHrefC the 1d hydrostatic reference profile, PHIHYD the 3d anomaly from hydrostatic reference profile and SSH the sea surface height (contributing via the different sea surface heights).
Is this the correct procedure? I would be happy if you could confirm this or tell me if I got this wrong.

Best regards,

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