[ecco-support] Potential errors in ecco-v4-py python package

Chen, Shengzhe schen26 at albany.edu
Tue Jul 23 15:57:19 EDT 2019

Hi there,

This is Shengzhe Chen, 3rd-year graduate student from UAlbany. Thanks to Dr. Ian Fenty, I am able to learn from the python packages to process ECCOv4 data.

Recently I was trying to use cal_section_trsp to calculate the salt and heat transport through some straits in the Arctic. I found that the results are very different from the observation data (e.g. mooring data) in terms of magnitude. The observation data often show heat transport in the magnitude of TW, where the results generated by ECCOv4 show magnitude of hundreds of TW (PW to TW was done). I then went through the cal_section_trsp codes and compare them with gcmfaces Matlab codes written by Dr. Gael Forget. I found that in heat transport and salt transport part of ECCO-v4-py, a Multiplication sign instead of a plus sign is assigned to combine the advective flux of potential temperature (e.g. ADVx_TH) and diffusive flux of potential temperature (e.g. DFxE_TH).

After I changed the sign from multiplication to plus, the results look more similar to observation data.

Thank you again for the great work of Python package which helps me a lot to take advantage of ECCOv4 data.


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