[ecco-support] Question about the Salinity budget

Ligc liguancheng15 at mails.ucas.ac.cn
Wed Mar 21 07:11:33 EDT 2018

Dear sir/madam,
      Recently, i am trying to close mixed layer salinity budget using ECCOV4 release 3 data, based on the introduction of evaluating budget. I want to use a simple sum of tracer grids for salinity and other variables above the mixed layer depth ('MXLDEPTH ') to stand for the mixed layer salinity and other contributing terms. But i can not close its budget well because the time arrangement  of salinity snapshot is inconsistent with the mixed layer depth.
     So could you give me some suggestion to deal with it or another effective approach to evaluating the MLS budget using this high-quality dataset. Thank you for your kindness again!

Best regards,
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