[ecco-support] Latitude and longitude values for ECCO2 data at 2km resolution

Claire Bulgin c.e.bulgin at reading.ac.uk
Tue Jul 10 11:03:45 EDT 2018


I have some ECCO2 data at 2km resolution provided to the University of Reading by Dimitri Menemenlis about 3 years ago.  We used the data in a paper at that time and subsequently have another use for it now.  The only problem is that we don’t have the corresponding latitude/longitude values for the 2km grid (we didn’t need these in the previous work and didn’t request them at the time), and it is not apparent from the aspect ratio of the SST data projection as to how these would be calculated.  I have now tried on several occasions to contact both Dimitri and Chris Hill personally to see if they could help with this problem but have received no response.

Would it be possible for you to provide us with the relevant latitude and longitude fields or at least the appropriate method for calculating them ourselves?

Many thanks,

Dr C E Bulgin

skype: cbulgin
tel: 0118 378 7717

Room 3L71 
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
3 Earley Gate, PO Box 238
Whiteknights Campus
Reading, RG6 6AL

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