[ecco-support] The anomaly of the data

HONG ZHANG hong.zhang at ucla.edu
Wed Apr 18 11:42:16 EDT 2018

On 4/17/18 7:31 AM, Lei Chen wrote:
> Hi,
>       Thank you for your effort for the data. It helps a lot in research.
>       When I was using the data, I came across a little question: I 
> want to use the bottom pressure of ECCO4 data, and I found a variable 
> named 'PHIBOT' in the interp_monthly folder. I just wonder what is the 
> meaning of 'anomaly' in the description of this variable? ( it says 
> 'Bottom Pressure Pot.(p/rhoConst) Anomaly (m^2/s^2) w.r.t. the product 
> of gravity and ocean bottom depth. RhoConst is a constant density of 
> 1029 kg/m^3 and gravity 9.81 m/s^2.') Does the anomaly spatial or 
> temporal? I looked up the 'readme' file and other files but didn't 
> find the answer. I hope you can help me i
as  it says, "anomaly" is wrt to "g*Depth",
so the total (or absolute) bottom pressure in Pa is
Depth * RhoConst * g + PHIBOT * RhoConst
where "g" is for gravity and "Depth" can be loaded from
>         double Depth(i2, i3) ;
>                 Depth:long_name = "sea floor depth" ;
>                 Depth:units = "m" ;
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