[ecco-support] Access to ECCOV4

Fenty, Ian G (329C) Ian.Fenty at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue May 16 17:08:27 EDT 2017

Dear Guancheng,

It sounds like you have made good progress on closing the budget so far.  

One of our colleagues, Chris Piecuch, has prepared a tutorial document that describes how to close the budget.  I hope this document will be helpful to you. We are putting it up onto an ftp server today and will share the link with you soon.

Best regards,
Ian Fenty

On 5/13/17, 8:01 AM, "ecco-support-bounces at mit.edu on behalf of Ligc" <ecco-support-bounces at mit.edu on behalf of liguancheng15 at mails.ucas.ac.cn> wrote:

    Dear Mr Ian,
    I have followed your professional advices and close the MLS budget by using the native model grid data of Advectional and diffusive terms in different layers. But at the surface cell, i still
     don't know how to add the air-sea freshwater flux term, oceFWflux into the contribution of the single salinity budget. I have tried and compared with vertical advection terms or other terms, but they make no senses. So could you give me further suggestion
     on my work?
    Thank you for your patience again! I really appreciate your help!
    Best Regards,

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