[ecco-support] Access to the grid information

Ligc liguancheng15 at mails.ucas.ac.cn
Sat May 13 12:18:39 EDT 2017

Dear Sir/Madam,
Recently, i used the native salinity grid in the "ECCO v4-r2 nctiles_monthly" fields to do some research in the North Pacific. First I want to thank you for providing this dataset, which is very important of my work!
I find that there may be some different horizontal format information of all the variables between the No.8 and other fields like No.1 or 5 on LLC90 grid. For example, i think the coordinate of No.8 fleid is at "lat lon time" when i analyze the salinity or flux terms data, but the output grid result is at "lon lat time". It will be likely to affect their direction and position of the flux terms.
I would greatly appreciate that you could help me. Thank you for your reading!

Best regards,

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