[Dspace-general] Generate Sitemaps script problem

Filippos Kolovos filippos at uom.gr
Tue Apr 28 06:14:07 EDT 2009

Dear all,

I am using JDK 6 update 13, correctly have set my JAVA_HOME environment variable
but when I execute the [dspace]/bin/generate-sitemaps script it fails with the error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: method java.lang.Class.getCanonicalName with signature ()Ljava.lang.String; was not found.
   at org.dspace.app.sitemap.GenerateSitemaps.main(GenerateSitemaps.java:82)

I am deploying Dspace 1.5.2. 

Thanks for any help provided.


Filippos Kolovos
Software Systems Analyst & Engineer
M.Sc. (Eng.) in Data Communications

Automation & Networking Department
University of Macedonia Library
Egnatia 156, P.O.Box 1591
540 06 Thessaloniki, Greece

E-Mail: f.kolovos at ieee.org,
           filippos at uom.gr
Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/filipposkolovos
Phone: +30-2310-891-826

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