[Dspace-general] Statistics showing downloads/views/countries

Shawna Sadler ssadler at ucalgary.ca
Wed Jun 4 12:19:14 EDT 2008

We have had wonderful feedback from our faculty about the Stats package 
we installed from the University of Minho

They LOVE to see how many people have viewed the record, downloaded the 
file and where in the world the viewer is coming from. Some have told me 
they are including this info in their annual reports as well.

Here is an example from our Dspace:

I would encourage others to install this stats package and in my opinion 
it should be part of the standard download.

Shawna Sadler
TFDL Technology Coordinator
Digital Initiatives Coordinator
Libraries and Cultural Resources
University of Calgary
Phone: (403) 220-3739
Email: ssadler at ucalgary.ca

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