[Dspace-general] storage of full-text outside DSpace

Janssens Karen Karen.Janssens at ua.ac.be
Tue Jun 3 08:00:04 EDT 2008


Does anyone have experience with using DSpace only as a 'publication and 
distribution platform' providing the metadata and links to the 
full-textitems, while those full-textitems are stored not within the 
DSpace repository but on a different location. We are considering this 
approach at our institution to have more control on the storage of the 
full-texts. Would there be serious reasons to discourage this approach? 
An so yes, why?

Also if you have no personal experience but know of institutions doing 
somethin like this, I'd be very interested to have the reference.

Many thanks in advance!


Karen Janssens
Universiteit Antwerpen
Anet - Bibliotheek Stadscampus
Prinsstraat 9
B-2000 Antwerpen
Tel    +32 3 220.49.71
Email  karen.janssens at ua.ac.be

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