[Dspace-general] Statistics

Dorothea Salo dorothea.salo at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 14:06:17 EDT 2007

On 6/8/07, Shawna Sadler <ssadler at ucalgary.ca> wrote:
> Hi Leonie,
> We use the Dspace stats feature and Google Analytics, I find it helps to have both because one gives info the other does not. I use the DSpace stats for "item" stats but I have to admit I haven't found a good way of counting hits for authors. I'm hoping the upcoming stats feature in 1.5 will cover author.

Looking at the current state of the wiki page, it does not appear that
by-author statistics are planned. I agree that this is a necessary
enhancement; I heard only today from a library director that faculty
in the departments he serves include SSRN statistics in their tenure
packages! IRs without by-author statistics are at a severe marketing
disadvantage vis-a-vis more capable disciplinary repositories.

I hope this feedback can make its way to Mr. Paparoni.


Dorothea Salo                dsalo at library.wisc.edu
Digital Repository Librarian      AIM: mindsatuw
University of Wisconsin
Rm 218, Memorial Library
(608) 262-5493

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