[Dspace-general] DSpace `Dublin Core' | Date Issued | Date Range | How to represent

Richard MAHONEY r.mahoney at iconz.co.nz
Thu Jun 7 20:08:16 EDT 2007

Dear List Members,

I am in the process or preparing material for bulk import and have
again encountered and issue that I was inclined to gloss over last time
it arose: the format of the DSpace Dublin Core Date Elements,
Qualifiers, and particularly, the Values.

What exactly is the required Value format and is it configurable?
Simple date Values such as the following present no difficulty:

<dcvalue element="date" qualifier="issued">1970</dcvalue>

The trouble for me -- and this situation would arise often for many
projects -- is how to correctly represent date ranges, for e.g., date
issued, 1964 to 1970. Which Value format should should be used to
represent a date range in DSpace DC? Some DSpace version of the
W3C-DTF/ISO 8601 scheme?


Best regards,

 Richard Mahoney

Richard MAHONEY | internet: http://indica-et-buddhica.org/
Littledene      | telephone/telefax (man.): +64 3 312 1699
Bay Road        | cellular: +64 27 482 9986
OXFORD, NZ      | email: r.mahoney at indica-et-buddhica.org
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