[Dspace-general] Tombstones for withdrawn items -- how to add, customize?

Jim Ottaviani jim.ottaviani at umich.edu
Tue Jan 17 16:48:30 EST 2006

Thanks Robert,

> What happens when you try to access the item page for one of the
> withdrawn items?  (I did notice that if you directly try to access one
> of the files in a withdrawn item, it just downloads as before, which is
> a bug -- a report has been filed).

While it hasn't come up yet, that's an important feature we've 
been promising our users, so thanks for getting things going on fixing 

Unfortunately, we can't see that behavior right now. When I go to a 
withdrawn item, I get the following:

   "Item Withdrawn
    The item you are trying to access has been withdrawn from Deep Blue. If
    you have any questions, please contact the administrators."

followed by contact information for the administrators. In other words, 
I don't see the metadata, much less the file. If you'd like to verify 
you can head over to


Per the documentation, I expected to get the metadata for the item along 
with a (deadened) link to the bitstream. Do we need to do some 
additional configuration for this to occur?

Also, during the two-step withdrawal process, I didn't see a prompt at 
either step for adding a note to the <Description.provenance> field. I 
had assumed that the person withdrawing the item would be prompted to 
enter something there. Here again, did I/we miss something in our setup 
or configuration?

I'll skip the other questions, since these are development ideas that we 
may indeed want to work on, but until we do may not be of general 
interest to the group as a whole...unless someone is already doing this, 
in which case it would be great to hear about it!

Thanks again,


Jim Ottaviani
+1 734-763-4835
University of Michigan Library
Coordinator, Deep Blue pilot project

        Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
           --Juvenal, Satires VI, 347

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