[Dspace-general] Google Scholar & DSpace Google

MacKenzie Smith kenzie at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 13 12:28:52 EST 2005

>Is the plan that only Google Scholar will contain content from DSpace
>sites or will DSpace content also be available by searching "regular"

To the best of my knowledge, Google.com ("big google") will continue to 
harvest the entire web, including all the DSpace sites (both metadata and 
Google Scholar will harvest all the DSpace repositories that they know 
about, but they currently aren't indexing the metadata, just the content.
So both.

>I don't know much about DSpace Google, but it sounds like the idea was
>for Google to take steps _not_ to crawl DSpace sites other than the 17
>participating institutions?

It was a pilot project to harvest sites that opted in -- 17 of the possible 
70 or so.
We do have the option of asking them to continue the pilot with a larger 
set of DSpace repositories included.
But unlike google.com or Google Scholar you do need to *opt in*.
The DSpace Google thing was a search restrictor in google.com that would 
limit results to content from the
17 pilot participants.

Hope that's a bit clearer.


MacKenzie Smith
Associate Director for Technology
MIT Libraries
Building E25-131d
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139
kenzie at mit.edu 

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