[Dspace-general] I am having problems in the hour to create the administrator

José Wendell de Morais sonopolitano at yahoo.com.br
Tue Aug 16 10:16:32 EDT 2005

 I am having problems in the hour to create the
administrator when use the command 


and returns the following error 

"/dsrun:  line 70:  1542 Aborted java - Xmx256m -
classpath $$FULLPATH "$ @" "

 if somebody will be able to explain me what it is
occurring and as I can correct!  

Jose Wendell de Morais

Student of Ciencia of the computation in the Federal
University of the Paraíba and student of technology of
development for InterNet in the Cefet-pb (Federal
Center of Technological Education of the Paraíba) 

José Wendell de Morais Silva 
MSN: wendell_84 at msn.com
Skype: jwendell
cel: 8806-9202

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