[Dspace-general] "Thesis advisor" metadata

Margret Branschofsky margretb at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 6 12:43:21 EDT 2004

Hi Suzanne,

MIT is planning to implement theses in DSpace later this summer.  We plan 
to add thesis.advisor to the DC registry and then index it separately as a 
fielded search in advanced search so that it can be searched separately 
from author.  Data from our existing e-thesis implementation shows that 
users have asked for the ability to search by advisor and also by 
degree-granting department, which we will also add to our registry and 
index separately.  When we have the final version of our thesis metadata 
ready I'd be glad to send it to the list. By the way, this change will not 
be made to the open source distribution of the code.

Margret Branschofsky

At 01:20 PM 7/1/2004 -0400, Suzanne Bell wrote:
>Hello DSpace folks-
>  We're beginning to get into adding some theses to DSpace, and I'm a
>bit stalled over how best to (or if to) include the thesis advisor
>I know there's a metadata element called "contributor.advisor" - meant
>for this information (yes?) - but when you use that, in the simple
>display, the advisor name appears with the author's name, there's no
>distinction. It looks like they are both authors, and this- um, well, I
>just don't like it. (If I were the thesis author and saw this, I think
>I'd feel upset!) If you look at the full detailed display, yes, they are
>distinguished (contributor.author, contributor.advisor).
>  So I was looking at how some other sites handled this - Cornell has
>put this info in the "Description" field, which would work for me;
>Drexel notes the type is "thesis" but doesn't include the advisor name
>information (which is fine too).
>  Just wondered what other peoples' thoughts were on this.
>  Many thanks!
>  cheers,
>   Suzanne
>Suzanne Bell, Economics/Data Librarian
>DSpace Projects Coordinator
>University of Rochester
>sbell at library.rochester.edu
>Dspace-general mailing list
>Dspace-general at mit.edu

Margret Branschofsky
DSpace User Support Manager
Digital Library Research Group
Bldg. 14S-M24
margretb at mit.edu
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