svn rev #20285: trunk/src/util/support/

lxs@MIT.EDU lxs at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 21 15:04:41 EDT 2008

Commit By: lxs
Log Message: 
ticket: new
subject: Protect CFBundle calls with mutexes

CFBundles are refcounted and the recounts are not threadsafe.
Protect CFBundles used for loading bundled plugins with a 
mutex to prevent crashes when multiple threads are loading
and unloading the same plugin.

As part of this we use thread-safe dlopen/dlsym/dlclose
for the actual loading and unloading and just use CFBundle
to get the path to the actual executable.  This reduces 
the number of places we need to wrap CFBundles with mutexes
and the amount of Mac-specific code in the plugin code.

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/util/support/plugins.c

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