svn rev #20284: trunk/src/ccapi/ lib/win/ test/

kpkoch@MIT.EDU kpkoch at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 20 11:28:12 EDT 2008

Commit By: kpkoch
Log Message: 
TargetVersion: 1.7
Component: krb5-libs
Ticket: 5594
Tags:  pullup
Subj: Work on compiling the CCAPI test suite on Windows.

Generate ccapi.def export list from V2, V3, debug lists.  It is no longer a file in the repository.

Update test to use file ccapi_string.c.

Changed Files:
U   trunk/src/ccapi/lib/win/
D   trunk/src/ccapi/lib/win/ccapi.def
A   trunk/src/ccapi/lib/win/debug.exports
U   trunk/src/ccapi/test/

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