[Crosstalk] ODL xTalks: October events

Molly Ruggles ruggles at mit.edu
Thu Oct 2 13:41:33 EDT 2014

Dear colleagues, 

A reminder of upcoming xTalks….

This Monday: Oct 6, 3-4pm, rm 4-270: "MOOCs - Open Education with Old & New Learners" 
A discussion with Professor, CIO, and Librarian Jeff Haywood of the University of Edinburgh and Dr Lori Breslow of TLL to explore issues emerging in online education environments. Who are today’s MOOC learners? What are their backgrounds & intentions? Where and how might we broaden access to higher education? Where do we go beyond MOOCs? How can we deliver open education at scale?

New event: Friday Oct 17, 3-4pm, rm 4-231: "Observing an Open Learning Process: A Knowledge Oriented Process” 
Alain Mille of the French National Center for Scientific Research and France’s Université Scientifique will speak about developing, instrumenting, and understanding MOOCs, including ethical issues and data access for research.  

Tuesday Oct 21, 2-3pm, rm 3-133: "A Panel Discussion on Scholarly Annotation"
David Karger, Kurt Fendt, Phil Desenne, and Jamie Folsom will contribute to a panel on scholarly annotation. There is increased focus on collaborative learning, in the context of online learning environments where multiple individuals create community forums which facilitate engagement and connection. This expert panel will discuss how people engage and collaborate online, what impacts annotations have for assessment and what features of annotation tools encourage collaboration and enhance learning.

If you missed the excellent panel on Digital Learning: Improving Access to Learning & Holistic Educational Outcomes, with Sanjay Sarma, Justin Reich and Jonathan Haber, check out the video on TechTv.

join the xTalks conversation on Twitter: #ODLxTalks

Molly Ruggles
Senior Educational Technology Consultant
ruggles at mit.edu | 617-324-9185
MIT  |  ODL  

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