[Crosstalk] CEO talk: Fixing the education - employment mismatch

Molly Ruggles ruggles at MIT.EDU
Wed May 7 09:08:38 EDT 2014

Good morning,

One of our colleagues at Sloan would like to get the word out about an interesting talk this Thursday (tomorrow). Please see below.

Molly Ruggles

> Hi Education enthusiasts,
> Are you:
> Curious about how to solve the Education - Employment mismatch problem?
> Interested in learning about recent innovations in higher education?
> Interested in social entrepreneurship?
> Looking to learn more about starting a business in an emerging market?
> If yes, here is your opportunity to hear one of the most well recognized social entrepreneurs talk about how he is fixing the Education - Employment gap in emerging markets through his most recent venture, Spire (www.spire.is).
> Date: Thursday, May 8th
> Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm
> Location: E62-262
> Dai Ellis is the CEO and co-founder of Spire, an innovative model to bridge the education - employment gap in emerging economies. Dai also co-founded  Kepler (www.kepler.org), an experimental university in Rwanda based on blended learning technique. Prior to Spire and Kepler, Dai served as CEO of the Bostonbased Excel Academy charter school network, where he is responsible for leading Excel’s expansion. Before joining Excel, Mr. Ellis spearheaded the Clinton Foundation’s work on improving the marketplace for HIV/AIDS and malaria drugs, diagnostics, and other essential health products. Prior to his work at CHAI, Mr. Ellis worked at McKinsey & Co. serving clients in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Mr. Ellis received his J.D. from Yale Law School and his A.B. in Biochemistry from Harvard University.
> Please RSVP here. Lunch will be served.
> Best,
> Parul Batra
> MBA 2015

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